Pa' lante
Music & Dance Academy
School for Latin and Caribbean
performing arts and entertainment
Class information
Dance lessons
With the exception of the Samba classes, the dance lessons are taught in groups by two teachers. A lady and a gentleman. This, gives the advantage that the steps are being highlighted from both aspects. The lessons are given at different levels. From beginners to advanced. The beginners’ class is specifically for people who have never had dance lessons before. Advanced lessons are for those who already have a lot of dance experience. During the beginners class you will learn the basic steps which can later be used, when being an advanced dancer, to learn the nicest combinations.
At Pa'lante we offer Brazilian Samba classes. The lessons are taught by one teacher in a group. Brazilian Samba is individually danced in a group on a rehearsed choreography. The lessons are not meant for women only. Men can also take part in the lessons.
Click here if you want to know more about the different dance styles
Urban Tarraxa
(No lessons available at this time)
(No lessons available at this time)

Danslessen bij Pa'lante Dance Academy

Danslessen bij Pa'lante Dance Academy
Beginners: The beginners course is suitable for those who have never taken dance lessons before. Experience is therefore not necessary. In this level you literally start from the first step. In the beginners lessons you are taught the basics so that you can later build up to a higher level. There is no standard rule of how long you are a beginner. To give you a good basis, we distinguish 3 beginners courses. Beginners 1, 2 and 3.
Improvers: After completing the beginners courses or when you have danced in the past and want to pick up the dancing again, the improvers level is suitable for you. As improver you improve yourself. Most improvers have at least 6 months of dance experience.
Intermediate: You have extensive experience with dancing and you master the basic techniques. At this level attention is paid to spicy combinations and styling.
Advanced: Advanced dancers dance longer than a year. You master the basic techniques and want to learn more complicated combinations, spinning techniques, dips & tricks and improvising on the music.



You dance to the music
Musicality is a standard part of our classes. This will enable you to learn to distinguish different aspects of the music, including melody, rhythm and harmony. This allows you to better respond to the music.
The course
Depending on the type of lesson, a course can comprise of a series of 2 to 12 weekly classes.
If you have completed a course you can or may continue to the next course. If at a certain moment circumstances do not allow it, you can also choose to skip a course. There are no obligations. At the end of a course there will be no exams and there is no obligation for a mandatory dance performance. The important thing is for you to have fun.
Trial lesson
Pa'lante regularly organizes days with free trial lessons for you to get a taste of the atmosphere and fun during the classes. Registration is not necessary for the free trial. If you want a one - time trial during an ongoing course, you are expected to sign up in advance. Check the prices page for more information about the costs.
A bootcamp is given in group session. It is an intensive training in order to teach you a technique in a short period of time. You will then independently have to further develop that technique.
Private lessons
A Private class is the way to push forward on short term. In addition, private lessons are beneficial for those who are not able to attend a regular dance class every week on a fixed schedule.
Dancing at Pa'lante is suitable for young and old!
Pa'lante consists of a dynamic team of professionals and volunteers who would like to help and guide you in this wonderful dance adventure. So sign up quickly!
Let's dance!
Music lessons
Teaching methods
These aspects are all addressed during the lessons
Learn to distinguish different rhythms
Playing along with the music
Technique exercises
Improvisation / soloing
Playing along with metronome
Solfège and general music theory
Lesson offer (Solo lessons)
Small percussion: Clave, Cowbell, Guïra, Guïro, Maracas
Merengue percussion

Merengue percussion

Salsa percussion

Piano Merengue rhythm

Piano Salsa rhythm
Group lessons
Piano ( Up to 3 students)
Salsa pecussion;
Bachata percussion;
Merengue percussion;